Newborn Puppy Care: A Guide to Formula Bottle-Feeding
Love watching puppies on Instagram? The little ball of fur with tiny legs can melt your stress instantly. Bringing up a puppy from birth to adulthood can be just as satisfying as raising a child of your own. But they require as much attention as a newborn baby. You might be planning to buy pet food online in India that is specific for pups, but for newly born puppies, they need nursing or bottle feeding.
It’s crucial to understand how a puppy eats, how to take care of it, and how much it sleeps to be ready for the initial months and ensure the dog grows up healthy and happy.
Feeding new-born pups
When puppies are born, they don’t have enough immunity to fight off harmful viruses and diseases. But the milk of nursing dogs is rich with colostrum, which helps pups build immunity to fight off infections.
It’s really important to let the puppy drink from its mom for as long as possible so it can get this special substance. If you’ve found a newborn pup with a mom who isn’t around or doesn’t want to feed the puppy, you should contact the vet to make sure the puppy gets the right supplements to stay healthy.
Do puppies always need special formulas?
Like human babies, you can also feed puppies baby formula as an extra boost when their mom doesn’t produce enough milk. However, please be aware that puppies have different nutritional requirements than babies, so it’s better to consult with a vet before you shop for formulas.
After a couple of weeks, if puppies can’t drink their mother’s milk, you can feed them yourself. If you’re not sure how, ask your vet for advice on getting the puppy to drink from a bottle or tube. If the puppy struggles with the bottle, see the vet right away; they might need to be fed using a tube.
At Pink Paws, you can buy a wide range of dog and cat food and supplements online in India. Spend time helping the puppies get used to drinking from the bottle.
When to introduce puppies to solid foods
You can introduce your puppy to solid food when they’re around four weeks old. In most cases, puppies stop nursing and start eating on their own by six weeks. Make sure each meal is balanced with protein for muscle strength and growth, fats for their skin and health, and carbohydrates to keep them energized. Reach out to your vet to get insights into what type of dog food you can buy online in India.