Treat your doggo to the nutritious yet delicious taste of Cesar Sasami with Whitefish & Vegetables in Jelly wet dog food. Made with high-quality real ingredients and the irresistible taste of Sasami, this wet food for dogs will satiate your dog’s sophisticated palate. Low-fat steamed Sasami and low-calorie content make this gourmet meal a great choice for your four-legged friend. Try the entire Cesar range of Sasami wet dog food, also available in Cesar Sasami with cheese & vegetables in jelly.
Key Features:
- GOODNESS OF SASAMI: Delight your dog with a delicious meal with Sasami flavour
- LOW IN FAT: Made with low-fat steamed Sasami
- HIGH-QUALITY INGREDIENTS: Made with real, quality ingredients
- LOW CALORIE: Nutritionally low-calorie meal
Meats (Chicken, Sasami etc.), Vegetables (Green Beans, Pumpkin, Carrot, etc.) Whitemeat Fish, Wheat, Polysaccharide Thickener, KCI, Salt, STPP
How To Use:
- For an adult dog with a 5 kg body weight, please feed ¾ pouch per day with a complete and balanced diet such as dry food.
- Please adjust the feeding amount of the main meal considering the calorie intake from this product.
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