Pet Grooming pet store

7 Wallet-Friendly Tips on Pet Food Savings

We all love spoiling our pets, but getting their food can be a real money drainer. The price of pet food has skyrocketed over time. If you’re a proud owner of two or more furry friends, it can be a bit of a wallet workout. But fear not, it’s time to level up your game! There are loads of ways to slash those costs. You can buy pet food online in India or search for special offers.

Following are a few tips to make it much easier for you:

Look for deals and future bargains.

Most pet food retailers have sales during different seasons and holidays. So, if you keep an eye on their social media pages or join their mailing list, you can stay updated and snag a great deal.

Shop online

Online shopping is the best way to get some exclusive discounts. You can find a wide range of online dog and cat food supplies from different brands all over India. Plus, they often offer delicious discounts on pet foods and other accessories.

Go for larger packs.

If you have a large breed or several pets, it’s better to go for larger packs of food. Even if it might seem less expensive to get a small package, you’ll eventually run out and need to purchase it. Whether you buy online or offline, it can be a hassle to visit the store every week or order online. For many online pet stores, you need to shop for a certain amount to get free delivery.

Compare prices

When we shop online, you might have noticed that some sites offer much lower prices than others, even for the same products. Deals and discounts may vary from brand to brand. Pink Paws offers several good deals regularly on various brands, like Royal Canin, Purina, Pedigree, and more.

Switch to more affordable dog food.

If your pet doesn’t require a specialized diet, consider switching to a cheaper yet nutritious food. Consult with your vet to help you find brands that provide healthy and wholesome foods at a price that is more comfortable for you.

Choose healthy and affordable treats.

Choose more budget-friendly treats for your dog, or get creative and make your own. You can give your pet small chunks of food, like carrots. Pumpkin, apples, frozen sardines, frozen yogurt, salmon (cooked), etc.

Maximize loyalty programs.

Online shopping comes with the benefits of loyalty programs. Many stores offer exclusive deals and discounts for loyal customers through points and rewards. Be a part of such programs; collect points with every purchase, and you can use them for discounts to buy more pet food and accessories online in India.

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A Guide to Healthy Weight Gain for Pets

Pets are a part of our family, and as their parents, it is our responsibility to take care of their health. For new pet owners, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy weight for their pets. Like children, some pets are picky about their food and won’t eat the foods they dislike. Just like kids, some pets are choosy about their food and won’t eat what they don’t like. Whether you go to a store or buy dog and cat food supplies online in India, finding the right information can be a bit tricky.

So, the next time you get food for your pets, here are a few things to think about:

Have a chat with your vet

For new pet parents, having a trusted vet is really important. They can help you identify whether your pet has any health issues or foods they need to avoid. You can also ask them to create a healthy diet chart for your pet. So, before making any changes to your pet’s weight, talk with your vet. If your pet has suddenly stopped consuming food, it’s better to do a thorough checkup to rule out any health issues affecting your pet’s weight or appetite.

Keep a healthy journal

Creating a detailed health diary for your pet is the best advice we could ever give you. Note down their daily meals, treats, exercise routine, weight, and mood. This helps you connect the dots and figure out what strategies are working. If there’s a change in weight at the next checkup, refer back to your entries for insights. You can buy pet food online in India that your pet truly enjoys.

Check the scale regularly

Just like we hop on the scale for weight check-ins, do the same for your pet. Weekly weigh-ins are great for tracking gains, losses, or weight maintenance. Avoid weighing too often, as it won’t help and might make you and your pet feel more anxious. Building weight takes time, so be patient and follow a proper meal plan.

Opt for high-quality pet food

Every pet has different nutritional requirements. So, focus on a meal plan that focuses on boosting their nutrition instead of simply loading up on calories and fat. When you shop for dog and cat food supplies online in India, pick food that contains meats, eggs, veggies, and fruits, avoiding fillers like by-products.

Serve small meals every few hours

Instead of a couple of big meals, set up a schedule for three or four small meals a day. This aids in better digestion and metabolism throughout the day. Don’t let more than six hours pass between meals. Start with a regular-sized meal and divide it into smaller portions. This helps you gauge how much you’re feeding until the new routine becomes second nature.

Add some exercise

Exercise is essential to maintaining weight and building muscle mass. It also boosts your pet’s appetite. At Pink Paws’ online pet store, you can buy a wide variety of pet foods in India. Shop today!

Pet Accessories Pet Food Pet Grooming pet store

Newborn Puppy Care: A Guide to Formula Bottle-Feeding

Love watching puppies on Instagram? The little ball of fur with tiny legs can melt your stress instantly. Bringing up a puppy from birth to adulthood can be just as satisfying as raising a child of your own. But they require as much attention as a newborn baby. You might be planning to buy pet food online in India that is specific for pups, but for newly born puppies, they need nursing or bottle feeding.

It’s crucial to understand how a puppy eats, how to take care of it, and how much it sleeps to be ready for the initial months and ensure the dog grows up healthy and happy.

Feeding new-born pups

When puppies are born, they don’t have enough immunity to fight off harmful viruses and diseases. But the milk of nursing dogs is rich with colostrum, which helps pups build immunity to fight off infections.

It’s really important to let the puppy drink from its mom for as long as possible so it can get this special substance. If you’ve found a newborn pup with a mom who isn’t around or doesn’t want to feed the puppy, you should contact the vet to make sure the puppy gets the right supplements to stay healthy.

Do puppies always need special formulas?

Like human babies, you can also feed puppies baby formula as an extra boost when their mom doesn’t produce enough milk. However, please be aware that puppies have different nutritional requirements than babies, so it’s better to consult with a vet before you shop for formulas.

After a couple of weeks, if puppies can’t drink their mother’s milk, you can feed them yourself. If you’re not sure how, ask your vet for advice on getting the puppy to drink from a bottle or tube. If the puppy struggles with the bottle, see the vet right away; they might need to be fed using a tube.

At Pink Paws, you can buy a wide range of dog and cat food and supplements online in India. Spend time helping the puppies get used to drinking from the bottle.

When to introduce puppies to solid foods

You can introduce your puppy to solid food when they’re around four weeks old. In most cases, puppies stop nursing and start eating on their own by six weeks. Make sure each meal is balanced with protein for muscle strength and growth, fats for their skin and health, and carbohydrates to keep them energized. Reach out to your vet to get insights into what type of dog food you can buy online in India.

Pet Accessories Pet Food pet store

Buy Pet Food Online in India buy pet food & accessories online in India Buy Royal Canin

Why do vets always recommend Royal Canin?

Pets, like dogs and cats, are widely loved and cherished as companions. But their digestive system is different from ours. So, if you want to adopt a pet for yourself, it’s essential for you to be aware of their specific nutritional needs before you go buy pet food online in India.

However, you must keep in mind that, depending on the pet breed, the food requirement might change. For instance, large dogs usually aren’t seen as puppies anymore by the time they hit around two years old. But this can differ based on the dog and when they finish growing. Laflamme suggests two ways to shift your dog to adult dog food during this time: either go for an all-life stage food that covers both puppies and adults, or pick an adult formula that isn’t right for a growing puppy.

But there are several pet food brands available. Among them, Royal Canin, a pet food brand since 1968, is one of the most recommended pet foods by vets. But why? Let’s take a look at it:


It’s nutritious and scientifically proven.

If you’re a new pet parent, it can be a bit confusing for you to find the right food for your pet. Each pet has different needs, be it a kitten, a puppy, or an adult pet. And you must provide them with essential nutrients to keep them healthy. But if you go to buy Royal Canin, you’ll see that they have a wide range of products that meet your pet’s needs. They use scientific approaches for creating the food formulas. Moreover, each formula targets specific health needs, breeds, ages, etc. Therefore, it’s easier for vets to suggest a diet that suits the unique health requirements of my patients.

Brand Authenticity

Established in 1968, Royal Canin is a worldwide expert in pet science, health, and nutrition. Over the years, they have built a strong reputation in the pet food industry across several countries. Their aim is to provide the most accurate nutrition for cats and dogs, customized for each specific breed, lifestyle, life stage, or medical condition. Moreover, the brand is easily available. Whether you want to buy royal canin pet food online in India or visit your local pet store, you can easily find the products.

Quality Control

Royal Canin owns their manufacturing facilities, allowing strict oversight of production. This assurance of the consistency and safety of their products gives me confidence. Whether you are looking for dry food, wet food, or supplements, they’ve got the exact level of natural antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, prebiotics, and minerals that are essential to your pet’s unique health needs.

Pink Paws is the best online pet shop to buy pet food and accessories online in India. Visit our website today!

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Buy pet food in India to prevent tummy troubles

Pets hold a special place in our lives. The way they warmly greet us at the door, their furry tails wagging with joy, always ready to lift our spirits after a long day It’s heartbreaking to see our furry friends in pain or despair, and all we wish for is to ease their suffering and see them back to their lovable, goofy selves. However, do you know that pets commonly suffer from tummy trouble? When you buy pet food online in India or from a local store, it’s important to look into the ingredients in detail to avoid digestive issues.

Here are some of the most commonly observed digestive concerns among our four-legged friends:

Esophageal Discomfort

Is your dog showing disinterest even when you give them their favorite treat? It could be due to esophageal discomfort or inflammation of the tube connecting the throat to the stomach. This can result from issues like acid reflux or foreign object blockage. Common symptoms include difficulty chewing or swallowing, leading to regurgitation after eating, and signs of discomfort.

Treatment often involves medication and, in severe cases, surgery. Dietary changes, such as restricting food and drinks, can aid recovery. Shop online for dog and cat food supplies all over India at our website.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is an intestinal inflammation in dogs that affects digestion by interrupting food absorption. Common symptoms include chronic diarrhea, vomiting, blood or mucus in stool, lethargy, poor coat, and weight loss. Although IBD has no cure, it can be managed with dietary changes and medications like steroids and antibiotics. Each case is unique, so treatment plans may vary.

Intestinal Parasites

Your furry friend may lose interest in their favorite dog food due to various intestinal parasites like roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, Giardia, and coccidia. Consuming raw food or contaminated water can make your pet feel sick. Whether you are searching for raw or dried dog and cat food supplies online in India, you should pay attention to whether the food is safe for your pet. Detecting these small parasites can be challenging, except for tapeworms and roundworms, which may be visible in stool or vomit. Look out for symptoms like scooting, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and occasional coughing.


Constipation is a common digestive issue in dogs, characterized by irregular, difficult, or absent bowel movements. If your dog is experiencing this condition, it may make repeated, unsuccessful attempts to pass stool. In severe cases, your dog may exhibit behaviors like circling, scooting, crouching, whimpering, or even howling. Before you go seeking veterinary care, consider trying some simple steps to alleviate constipation, such as exercise, increased water intake, and home remedies like enemas.


Did you know that feeding your pets a once-daily or dry food diet can cause bloating? It can take a serious turn in your dog’s health. The signs include restlessness, discomfort, rapid breathing, abdominal swelling and pain, dry retching, and excessive drooling. Stress can also make your furry baby bloat. Treat your pet with care, and take suggestions from your vet beforehand the next time you go to buy pet food online in India.

Pet Food

Common Mistakes When Feeding Your Furry Companion

Want your furry baby to enjoy a healthy life with lots of happy memories? It’s time to focus on maintaining a healthy nutritional diet for them. For new pet parents, when it comes to buy pet food online in India or feeding them, they often lack knowledge, which can lead to these common mistakes, like overfeeding, nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, etc.

So, before you go shopping for pet food or feed your pet, here are a few things you should keep in mind:

1. No neglecting the label

First things first, you should not pick up any food without giving it a good once-over. Looking into the ingredients in the food helps you get a grasp of how they might affect your pup’s health and well-being. Some foods might sneak in fillers or by-products that can stir up allergies or health hiccups.

For instance, corn, wheat gluten, food dyes, and high-salt or sugar-rich foods can harm your dog’s health. So, the next time you shop online for dog and cat food supplies in India, go through the label thoroughly.

2. Don’t let the price tag dictate you

Don’t let the price tag be your only guide! Even if you choose the priciest, it doesn’t necessarily mean the best for your pet. Similarly, going for a cheaper option with low-quality food can negatively affect your pet’s health. So, do your homework and find a few healthy options in your price range.

3. Say no to dry food only

Are you still feeding your pet only dry food? Though dry food has a long shelf life, is it actually good for your pet’s diet? Every dog is different, so talk it up with your vet about what’s the best food for your furball before you buy pet food online in India.

4. Age doesn’t matter? Think again

Suppose you have a toddler at home. So, will you let him or her eat the same food as adults? Age DOES MATTER when it comes to diet. Puppies, adults, and senior dogs need different nutrition based on their age. For instance, puppies need high levels of protein and fat, while seniors need an easier-to-digest meal.

5. Overfeeding is a big no

When planning a diet for your pet, you should also keep in mind its activity level, be it a cat or dog. Follow the strict guidelines and portion size when it comes to food or snacking, no matter how much your pet shows “puppy eyes”.

6. Health conditions matter too

If your pet has health issues like diarrhea, diabetes, or more, their diet should be adjusted accordingly. There are several pet foods available online in India that are healthy for your pet. Have a chat with your vet before you purchase such foods and supplements as Royal Canin recovery food, magnesium powder, Inhancer dog supplement, etc.

7. Keep your pet hydrated.

Water is essential for your pet’s overall health and well-being. It aids in preventing urinary issues, regulates body temperature, maintains organ health, and keeps their fur shiny and healthy. But dental issues, fevers, heat, and exercise can make them feel dehydrated, so provide your pet with adequate water.

8. Your food? Not So Much

Love giving your pet small bits of food from your pet? You may have now idea of how that food can harm your pet. Most human foods aren’t pet-friendly. Their digestive system is different from ours. So, don’t let a few pieces of food harm your pet; rather feed them what they need.

Pink Paws is the best online shop to buy pet food and accessories in India. We have a variety of foods and accessories from renowned brands. Shop today!

Pet Food

7 Tips to Take Care of Your Pet’s Health and Wellness

Are you planning to buy pet food online in India? With The progress in technology, now it has become a matter of time to shower your pet with the best products. However, even if you want to give the best to your pet, it’s not always as easy as it seems, especially for a new pet owner.

Raising a pet requires a great amount of time and effort to maintain their health and wellness. You need to take care of their diet, groom them regularly, take them to a vet, and also shower them with love and affection so that they don’t feel lonely. Besides, you need to be aware of their behavior as they can’t speak about how they are feeling on the inside.

To make the job easy, today we are sharing a few helpful tips that will help you look after your pet’s health and wellness:

1.Cuddle & attention for your pet

Giving shelter and food is not enough for your pet. They also need love and attention from their owner. Treat your pet the way you treat a child. A sudden change of environment or losing their canine friend may cause your pet to feel sad, stressed, or depressed. It’s especially more prominent for dogs.

Here are a few signs, your dog may be suffering from depression:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Sleeping more or lying all the time
  • Being clingy to their owner for cuddling, and more

The best way to deal with this is by giving them more attention. Play with your pup and engage them in activities they love to enjoy. You can also buy pet food and snacks online they like the best, so they can enjoy it more.

2. Fun playtime with toys

Make your pet’s playtime happier with new toys. Toys are not just to entertain your pets, it’s also a great way to practice mind exercise. Playing with toys keeps your pet mentally stimulated and engaged. However, when choosing toys for your pet, make sure they are of the right size for your pet and are also non-toxic. There are many online pet stores that provide a wide range of food, toys, and other accessories best for your adorable pet.

3. Exercise is must

Aside from mental exercise, you should also focus on physical exercise. For puppies or kittens, regular exercising helps them build their muscle and be more active. Besides, maintaining a healthy weight helps to avoid diabetes, liver disease, arthritis, and other health-related issues.

Please keep in mind that having a healthy diet is as important as exercising. Therefore, it’s advised to consult with a vet before you buy pet food online in India.

4. Take them for a walk

Spending quality time with your pets is essential to build a strong relationship between you and your pet. But you should also let them socialize with the outside world. Take them out for a walk to your nearest park so they have the chance to interact with other animals. But your pet should be well-behaved and not aggressive towards others, as this may be common with newly adopted pets. Give them time to develop social skills and observe their welcoming behavior towards visitors.

5. Follow healthy diet

A nutritious diet is the key to your pet’s health and well-being. Make sure the your pet’s food is well-balanced, containing the necessary minerals, vitamins, and proteins. There are many popular pet food brands and supplements, such as Royal Canin recovery food, Megaflex, Smart Heart rabbit food, Royal Canin maxi starter, Sensium, Me-O cat food, and more. You can also buy this pet food online at the best price in India. But consult with your vet before trying any new foods.

6. Learn about your pet’s breed

Not all humans are the same, and the same goes for pets. Depending on your pet’s breed, its characteristics, behavior, eating requirements, and other factors also change. Hence, you should take out time to learn about your furry companion.

7. Go for regular vet check-ups

Does it break your heart to see your pet feeling down? Then you may consider taking them out for regular check-ups. Choose a vet who creates a comfortable and safe environment for your pet. They can also help you learn new things about your pet. You can also ask them about your queries, like food, grooming, and other accessories. So, the next time you buy pet food, accessories, and other grooming products online in India, you can be sure of what’ll be the best for your pet.