Pet Accessories Pet Food Pet Grooming pet store

Tips for Setting a Daily Schedule That Benefits You and Your Pet

Sticking to a routine keeps things organized, helps us finish tasks on time, and keeps us healthier. Many new pet owners don’t know this, but making a daily plan for your furry friend is good for them too, especially when feeding. When shopping online for dog and cat food supplies in India, you shouldn’t just focus on buying the best food products; you should also think about not overfeeding or underfeeding them.

Having a regular schedule for meals, walks, playtime, and bedtime helps your pet’s mental and emotional well-being. It also keeps them fit by making sure they get enough exercise to avoid tummy troubles and stay fit. Here, we’ll be sharing some easy tips to maintain a healthy routine for your furry baby:

Planning Meal Time:

For many new pet parents, the common question they ask is: how many times should they feed their pet? Dogs and cats need to have at least two meals daily, with around 12 hours between them. Having breakfast, lunch, and dinner is also good. Also, don’t forget to provide them with clean water to keep them hydrated.


Many vets suggest giving grown-up dogs and cats food two times a day. If meals are more than 12 hours apart, their stomach might get too acidic, making the dog feel sick. Pink Paws offers the best online dog and cat food supplies in India. They have a variety of dry food, wet food, and other supplements to keep your pet healthy and nourished.

Daily Exercise

Engaging your pet in daily exercise helps to keep them healthy and happy. When creating an exercise routine for your pet, you must consider the breed type, age, health conditions, etc. There are multiple options from which you can choose, such as walking, swimming, running, training, etc. You can buy training accessories, like a harness, clicker, and collar crate, as well as food and treats, online in India at Pink Paws’ official website.

Good Sleep

Sleep is essential for everyone. For adult dogs, they need about 11–13 hours a day, while cats sleep around 12–20 hours. Getting enough sleep boosts a dog’s brain growth, memory, and ability to learn, and it also strengthens their immune system. Not getting enough sleep may also make your dog feel annoyed, and they might also lack self-control.

Pink Paws is the best online store to shop for dog and cat food supplies in India. For more information, visit our website!

Pet Grooming pet store

7 Wallet-Friendly Tips on Pet Food Savings

We all love spoiling our pets, but getting their food can be a real money drainer. The price of pet food has skyrocketed over time. If you’re a proud owner of two or more furry friends, it can be a bit of a wallet workout. But fear not, it’s time to level up your game! There are loads of ways to slash those costs. You can buy pet food online in India or search for special offers.

Following are a few tips to make it much easier for you:

Look for deals and future bargains.

Most pet food retailers have sales during different seasons and holidays. So, if you keep an eye on their social media pages or join their mailing list, you can stay updated and snag a great deal.

Shop online

Online shopping is the best way to get some exclusive discounts. You can find a wide range of online dog and cat food supplies from different brands all over India. Plus, they often offer delicious discounts on pet foods and other accessories.

Go for larger packs.

If you have a large breed or several pets, it’s better to go for larger packs of food. Even if it might seem less expensive to get a small package, you’ll eventually run out and need to purchase it. Whether you buy online or offline, it can be a hassle to visit the store every week or order online. For many online pet stores, you need to shop for a certain amount to get free delivery.

Compare prices

When we shop online, you might have noticed that some sites offer much lower prices than others, even for the same products. Deals and discounts may vary from brand to brand. Pink Paws offers several good deals regularly on various brands, like Royal Canin, Purina, Pedigree, and more.

Switch to more affordable dog food.

If your pet doesn’t require a specialized diet, consider switching to a cheaper yet nutritious food. Consult with your vet to help you find brands that provide healthy and wholesome foods at a price that is more comfortable for you.

Choose healthy and affordable treats.

Choose more budget-friendly treats for your dog, or get creative and make your own. You can give your pet small chunks of food, like carrots. Pumpkin, apples, frozen sardines, frozen yogurt, salmon (cooked), etc.

Maximize loyalty programs.

Online shopping comes with the benefits of loyalty programs. Many stores offer exclusive deals and discounts for loyal customers through points and rewards. Be a part of such programs; collect points with every purchase, and you can use them for discounts to buy more pet food and accessories online in India.

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A Guide to Healthy Weight Gain for Pets

Pets are a part of our family, and as their parents, it is our responsibility to take care of their health. For new pet owners, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy weight for their pets. Like children, some pets are picky about their food and won’t eat the foods they dislike. Just like kids, some pets are choosy about their food and won’t eat what they don’t like. Whether you go to a store or buy dog and cat food supplies online in India, finding the right information can be a bit tricky.

So, the next time you get food for your pets, here are a few things to think about:

Have a chat with your vet

For new pet parents, having a trusted vet is really important. They can help you identify whether your pet has any health issues or foods they need to avoid. You can also ask them to create a healthy diet chart for your pet. So, before making any changes to your pet’s weight, talk with your vet. If your pet has suddenly stopped consuming food, it’s better to do a thorough checkup to rule out any health issues affecting your pet’s weight or appetite.

Keep a healthy journal

Creating a detailed health diary for your pet is the best advice we could ever give you. Note down their daily meals, treats, exercise routine, weight, and mood. This helps you connect the dots and figure out what strategies are working. If there’s a change in weight at the next checkup, refer back to your entries for insights. You can buy pet food online in India that your pet truly enjoys.

Check the scale regularly

Just like we hop on the scale for weight check-ins, do the same for your pet. Weekly weigh-ins are great for tracking gains, losses, or weight maintenance. Avoid weighing too often, as it won’t help and might make you and your pet feel more anxious. Building weight takes time, so be patient and follow a proper meal plan.

Opt for high-quality pet food

Every pet has different nutritional requirements. So, focus on a meal plan that focuses on boosting their nutrition instead of simply loading up on calories and fat. When you shop for dog and cat food supplies online in India, pick food that contains meats, eggs, veggies, and fruits, avoiding fillers like by-products.

Serve small meals every few hours

Instead of a couple of big meals, set up a schedule for three or four small meals a day. This aids in better digestion and metabolism throughout the day. Don’t let more than six hours pass between meals. Start with a regular-sized meal and divide it into smaller portions. This helps you gauge how much you’re feeding until the new routine becomes second nature.

Add some exercise

Exercise is essential to maintaining weight and building muscle mass. It also boosts your pet’s appetite. At Pink Paws’ online pet store, you can buy a wide variety of pet foods in India. Shop today!

Pet Accessories Pet Food Pet Grooming pet store

Newborn Puppy Care: A Guide to Formula Bottle-Feeding

Love watching puppies on Instagram? The little ball of fur with tiny legs can melt your stress instantly. Bringing up a puppy from birth to adulthood can be just as satisfying as raising a child of your own. But they require as much attention as a newborn baby. You might be planning to buy pet food online in India that is specific for pups, but for newly born puppies, they need nursing or bottle feeding.

It’s crucial to understand how a puppy eats, how to take care of it, and how much it sleeps to be ready for the initial months and ensure the dog grows up healthy and happy.

Feeding new-born pups

When puppies are born, they don’t have enough immunity to fight off harmful viruses and diseases. But the milk of nursing dogs is rich with colostrum, which helps pups build immunity to fight off infections.

It’s really important to let the puppy drink from its mom for as long as possible so it can get this special substance. If you’ve found a newborn pup with a mom who isn’t around or doesn’t want to feed the puppy, you should contact the vet to make sure the puppy gets the right supplements to stay healthy.

Do puppies always need special formulas?

Like human babies, you can also feed puppies baby formula as an extra boost when their mom doesn’t produce enough milk. However, please be aware that puppies have different nutritional requirements than babies, so it’s better to consult with a vet before you shop for formulas.

After a couple of weeks, if puppies can’t drink their mother’s milk, you can feed them yourself. If you’re not sure how, ask your vet for advice on getting the puppy to drink from a bottle or tube. If the puppy struggles with the bottle, see the vet right away; they might need to be fed using a tube.

At Pink Paws, you can buy a wide range of dog and cat food and supplements online in India. Spend time helping the puppies get used to drinking from the bottle.

When to introduce puppies to solid foods

You can introduce your puppy to solid food when they’re around four weeks old. In most cases, puppies stop nursing and start eating on their own by six weeks. Make sure each meal is balanced with protein for muscle strength and growth, fats for their skin and health, and carbohydrates to keep them energized. Reach out to your vet to get insights into what type of dog food you can buy online in India.

Pet Accessories Pet Grooming pet store

Puppy Pampering: The Importance of Starting Grooming Early

Is your puppy always super excited about going for a walk? Puppies grow quickly and get curious about everything around them. They sniff, roll in the grass, and bite almost everything in your home, including small sticks on the road, regardless of whether you buy them the best pet food and accessories online in India. This growing stage is crucial for their development. It’s the perfect time to start teaching them, get them used to social situations, and make them less sensitive to new experiences.

If you have breeds with long coats, like huskies, maltese, poodles, etc., they need regular grooming. So, it’s important to get them accustomed to the grooming routine early on. This will make the entire grooming experience more enjoyable for them.

Let’s take a look at how early grooming can help your pup:

Getting used to stranger

Let’s be frank! As children, we all used to feel anxious and fearsome when it came to meeting new people, and it’s the same for your pets. But puppies and dogs need to come into contact with all sorts of people in their lives, from vets to groomers to friends and neighbors. So, it’s better to introduce your pet to grooming as part of their development. It can help them learn from an early age that all this social interaction is part of everyday life. Buy grooming pet accessories in India from Pink Paws and groom your pet at home.

Helping you get accustomed to new environments

Brushing your puppy’s fur helps them feel more comfortable. Familiarizing your puppy with grooming tools, like brushes and combs, at a young age. They also gently handle their puppy, touching areas like the ears and paws regularly. This helps the puppy adapt to grooming faster as they get older, which is crucial for proper puppy care. So, even if it’s your pup’s first time visiting a grooming salon, they will not be scared and enjoy their bath.

Identify health issues from an early age.

Grooming your puppy also lets you find any problems early. These could be issues like skin problems from ticks or fleas, dry patches, or troubles with nails, teeth, ears, and eyes. Noticing these signs early makes treating health problems easier, with fewer complications later on. If a dog’s nails are too long, it can mess up their posture. Checking and cutting your puppy’s nails ensures they walk and stand properly while they’re growing up. You can buy pet accessories like nail clippers, shampoo, conditioner, etc. online at Pink Paws and get them delivered anywhere in India.

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Buy Dog Grooming Kit in Kolkata dog grooming products in kolkata

Does grooming make dogs happy?

Taking your furry buddy for a spa day can be a bit of a struggle for some pet parents. It’s like dealing with a moody teenager who refuses to budge from their room. But just like us, our furballs need a bit of pampering for their emotional and physical well-being. Whether you buy a dog grooming kit in Kolkata or hit up the local pet store for a grooming session, a clean dog is happier and more relaxed compared to one with messy fur or muddy paws.

Why does grooming make both you and your dog happier?

We all love snuggling and spoiling our furballs, but a stinky pet with fur shedding all over the house is not exactly the ideal cuddle buddy. Plus, it can pose health concerns for both your pet and you. But with a nice, long grooming session, you’ll get your fluffy fur ball back and cuddle all you want.

Here are a few perks of grooming your pet:

Trimming fur gives a pet a fresh look.

When our hair gets longer than we prefer, we go for a trim. Dogs are no different. Excessively long fur can obstruct their vision, making daily activities like playing, eating, and walking a challenge. During the summer in Kolkata, thick fur can make dogs uncomfortable and increase the risk of heatstroke.

You can buy dog grooming products in Kolkata for a DIY trim or let a professional handle it. Even if a full cut isn’t necessary, keeping their fur clean is crucial. Dogs have sensitive skin that needs the fur layer to guard against cuts and abrasions. Grooming also includes trimming nails to prevent painful breaks and bleeding, reducing the risk of infection.

Improve their social interaction:

Grooming is a social activity for dogs, as they interact with other dogs and groomers. The expert groomers trim and wash your pet with care and check for health issues. Once that’s done, they also give your pet a gentle massage that relaxes them and boosts their overall mood.

Improving Cleanliness and Hygiene:

A dog with clean fur and skin is less likely to have flea and parasite infestations, skin infections, or allergies. At Pink Paws, you can shop for various dog grooming products in Kolkata and choose the right one for your pets. Grooming your pets once in a while helps you avoid them getting too dirty and keeps their fur shiny and smooth.

Health Checks:

Grooming provides an opportunity for you to check for health concerns. Trimming fur and nails helps protect a dog’s sensitive skin and prevents infections and pain. Health checks during grooming include cleaning ears regularly to prevent infections and clearing ear glands of wax and debris. Using dog-specific toothpaste three times a week helps minimize the risk of gum disease and removes tartar.

Pink Paws is the best pet store to buy a dog grooming kit in Kolkata. Shop with us!




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Buy a pet grooming kit online in India to groom your pet at home

Taking care of your pet is no different from tending to babies. They require regular feeding, snacking, grooming, playtime, trips to the park, and more. While we handle most of these tasks on our own, we typically entrust the grooming to professional groomers. But were you aware that you can actually groom your pet at home? Just buy pet grooming kit online in India and carry out the grooming yourself, even if you make visits to groomers every 6 to 8 weeks.

Grooming your pet at home does wonders for their overall health and well-being. Take a look below:

Prevents matting:

Hair mats can become a real hassle for our furry friends. Imagine a mat as a jumbled mess of hair, mixed with plant burrs, skin dander, and other bits and bobs. Sometimes, these mats start right next to your pet’s skin, making it almost impossible to see what’s beneath. Buy pet grooming products like brushes, detangling sprays, shampoos, conditioners, etc. in India to keep your pet’s fur tangled-free.

Maintains overall hygiene:

Cleaning your dog’s private areas helps maintain their hygiene. Trimming in these areas prevents the sticking of fur and keeps urine from drying on long hair. It not only keeps your furry pal clean but also avoids developing skin diseases, urinary infections, and more.

Removes excess oil and dirt from the fur.

There are times when you may be late for your pet grooming appointment, which may be uncomfortable for your pet. But grooming them at home helps to get rid of the excess oil, old hair, and dirt from your pet’s skin. It also aids in preventing skin problems and may reveal lumps and bumps. Buy the right grooming kit online from Pink Paws and get it delivered anywhere in India.

Improves eye health:

Did you know that grooming your pet regularly is also good for their eyes? Cleaning the crust in the corners of your dog’s eyes is essential to prevent tear stains and bad odors. Grooming can also uncover sores hidden under the crust.

It helps them feel more comfortable.

If you have a pet with long fur, trim it by yourself at home every few weeks. Long hair on your pet’s paws can make it difficult for them to cool down, especially when panting and using their foot pads. Buy pet grooming products in India, including trimmers and paws, for a more professional finish.

Nail Care:

Overgrown nails can be painful and even lead to arthritis. Regular trimming prevents the nails from growing into the pads. But when clipping the nails at home, remember that your pet will feel more at ease if the nail isn’t compressed against the quick. Turn the clippers in such a way that they cut from the top to the bottom surfaces of the nail instead of cutting from side to side.

Pink Paws is the best online store to buy a grooming kit in India. We also deliver products to your doorstep. Order today!

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How to pick the best chew toys for puppies in an online pet shop in India

If you have a pup or kitten, you must be well aware of the word “death.” From seeing your favorite clothes getting to shreds to having scratches and chewing marks on your expensive couch or mats, it’s hard to control the mischievous hairballs in their teething stage, or if they’re just playing. The best solution is to choose the perfect chew toys for your puppy or kitten. Look into any online pet shop in India, and you will find loads of options for you.

Chewing is an inherent behavior in puppies, but that doesn’t mean you have to bear your home turning into a shambles. Instead of reprimanding them, give them to chew on appropriate items. In this blog, we will guide you in selecting the finest chew toy for your furry baby:

How do you pick the perfect chew toy for your pup?

With so many products out there, it can be challenging to find out what’s best for your furry friends. So, before you pick a chew toy for your dog, consider the following:

  • Put safety first. When searching for chew toys, safety should top your list. Puppies chew on almost everything they see in front of them, which can harm their teeth. Besides, they might gobble up some of the pieces. So, you must pick toys that are free from harmful materials that could harm your dog’s health. Pink Paws stands as the best pet online store in India, with a variety of chew toys.
  • Choose durable chew toys: chewing and swallowing toys that are made with toxic material could be harmful to your dog. Shop toys shouldn’t be overly soft, ensuring that your dog can’t rip them apart and ingest small pieces. Sturdy, dog-specific toys are not just less likely to be swallowed, but they are also crafted from pet-safe materials that won’t release toxins when chewed.
  • Size: Some dogs love toting around plush toys. If your dog views their toy as a companion, choose one that’s compact enough to carry. On the other hand, some dogs prefer shaking or ‘attacking’ their toys, so opt for a larger one to prevent unintended swallowing and ensure it’s robust enough to endure your dog’s playful assaults. When browsing an online pet shop in India next time, make sure to select a size that’s safe and suitable for your dog.

The best chew toys for your pup

Many consider chewing a bad habit in dogs, but letting your furry friend chew on something is actually beneficial for them. Chewing brings about better dental health, eases stress and anxiety, soothes gums for teething puppies, cuts down on destructive chewing, and so on. So, if you are planning to shop for some pet chewing toys in India, here are some options:

Your pets need a good environment and the right things to grow up healthy without any behavioral problems. As the best pet online store in India, at Pink Paws, we provide a wide range of products for your furry baby, from food to toys to grooming products and more. Shop today!

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Buy pet food in India to prevent tummy troubles

Pets hold a special place in our lives. The way they warmly greet us at the door, their furry tails wagging with joy, always ready to lift our spirits after a long day It’s heartbreaking to see our furry friends in pain or despair, and all we wish for is to ease their suffering and see them back to their lovable, goofy selves. However, do you know that pets commonly suffer from tummy trouble? When you buy pet food online in India or from a local store, it’s important to look into the ingredients in detail to avoid digestive issues.

Here are some of the most commonly observed digestive concerns among our four-legged friends:

Esophageal Discomfort

Is your dog showing disinterest even when you give them their favorite treat? It could be due to esophageal discomfort or inflammation of the tube connecting the throat to the stomach. This can result from issues like acid reflux or foreign object blockage. Common symptoms include difficulty chewing or swallowing, leading to regurgitation after eating, and signs of discomfort.

Treatment often involves medication and, in severe cases, surgery. Dietary changes, such as restricting food and drinks, can aid recovery. Shop online for dog and cat food supplies all over India at our website.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is an intestinal inflammation in dogs that affects digestion by interrupting food absorption. Common symptoms include chronic diarrhea, vomiting, blood or mucus in stool, lethargy, poor coat, and weight loss. Although IBD has no cure, it can be managed with dietary changes and medications like steroids and antibiotics. Each case is unique, so treatment plans may vary.

Intestinal Parasites

Your furry friend may lose interest in their favorite dog food due to various intestinal parasites like roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, Giardia, and coccidia. Consuming raw food or contaminated water can make your pet feel sick. Whether you are searching for raw or dried dog and cat food supplies online in India, you should pay attention to whether the food is safe for your pet. Detecting these small parasites can be challenging, except for tapeworms and roundworms, which may be visible in stool or vomit. Look out for symptoms like scooting, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and occasional coughing.


Constipation is a common digestive issue in dogs, characterized by irregular, difficult, or absent bowel movements. If your dog is experiencing this condition, it may make repeated, unsuccessful attempts to pass stool. In severe cases, your dog may exhibit behaviors like circling, scooting, crouching, whimpering, or even howling. Before you go seeking veterinary care, consider trying some simple steps to alleviate constipation, such as exercise, increased water intake, and home remedies like enemas.


Did you know that feeding your pets a once-daily or dry food diet can cause bloating? It can take a serious turn in your dog’s health. The signs include restlessness, discomfort, rapid breathing, abdominal swelling and pain, dry retching, and excessive drooling. Stress can also make your furry baby bloat. Treat your pet with care, and take suggestions from your vet beforehand the next time you go to buy pet food online in India.

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Expert Guide to buy Pet Accessories in India

Pets aren’t just companions; they’re cherished members of our families. Be it a playful pup or a curious cat, their love and loyalty bring boundless happiness to our homes. However, “with great power comes great responsibility”. Taking care of a pet can be quite stressful. When researching the food suitable for your pet to buy pet accessories in India, you have to keep in mind a lot of things.

In addition, it can be quite costly to raise a pet. But fear not, we’re here to lend a hand with some budget-friendly choices. You can provide your furry friend with all the love and care they deserve without emptying your pockets.

We’ll cover a wide array of topics catering to all pet owners on a budget, from affordable nutrition and DIY grooming methods to preventative healthcare and engaging entertainment ideas.

Let’s dive in:

Adoption and Initial Expenses:

If you love pets, it might be better to adopt a pet from a local shelter or rescue organization. You will be giving those refugees their forever shelter, and it’s also budget-friendly. In addition, you must also keep in mind other initial expenses (like vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and microchipping), food, and accessories (food bowl, toys, collar, leash, cage, litter accessories, and more) aside from the adoption fee that you need for your new family members. Pink Paws is the best online pet accessories shop in India. We have a vast collection of products for your pet.

Food and Nutrition:

When it comes to pet food, quality doesn’t always have to come at a high price. Seek out cost-effective options that still meet your pet’s nutritional needs. Compare prices and ingredient lists to find the best bang for your buck. You can also buy pet food and accessories online in India. You may also consider purchasing pet food in bulk or enrolling in auto-delivery services, which can lead to long-term savings. Pink Paws features a wide range of pet food brands from Royal Canin, Proplan, Purina, Cesar, Marvo, and more. We offer exclusive discounts on our products.


While professional grooming services are essential to keep your pet away from skin diseases, shedding, dander, etc., you can save money by learning basic grooming skills and tending to your pet’s grooming needs at home. Visit our online pet accessories shop in India to find high-quality grooming tools like brushes, combs, nail clippers, and shampoos of various brands at a reusable price. Regularly brushing your pet’s fur will reduce shedding and prevent matting.

Preventive Healthcare:

“Prevention is better than cure”. Don’t compromise your pet’s health. Take your vet for a regular checkup before they actually fall ill. It will keep them safe and also help you in the long run. Aside from that, maintaining a healthy lifestyle for your pet also holds grave significance. Incorporate regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper oral hygiene to reduce the risk of costly health issues. On our website, you can buy dental care products, supplements, tick and flea prevention, and other pet accessories all around India.